
10-12 GMT | 19-21 JST

Migrations and diversifications in the UK and Japan

Join authors and editors for the launch of the Special Issue of Comparative Migration Studies edited by Jenny Phillimore, Gracia Liu Farrer and nando Sigona

Registration on Eventbrite

9:00 BST / 17:00 JST

Governing diversity & migration in Japan and the UK

Szymon Parzniewski (University of Manchester)
From 'ambiguous' multiculturalism to 'tacit' superdiversity? Effects of migration-driven diversifications on building local disaster resilience in Japan, Toyama.

Nobuko Nagai (University of Birmingham)
City-level approaches to migrant integration in Birmingham, UK and Osaka, Japan

Chair & discussant: Dr Spela Drnovsek zorko (NODE UK|Japan associate)

Registration: Eventbrite