The NODE UK|Japan network is led by the University of Birmingham’s Institute for Research into Superdiversity and Waseda University’s Institute for Asian Migrations. Initially funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Japan Foundation, NODE brings together social sciences, arts and humanities academics from the UK and Japan to develop new knowledge and insight about migration-driven socio-demographic change.
Japan and the UK are major economic powers with high standing in the international community. They are also former colonial powers with long-established international and transnational ties. Yet, despite many political, economic and social differences, they share today a significant challenge: labour shortage. Both countries have attempted to resist high levels of migration yet reluctantly accept that future prosperity depends on international labour migration.
This special issue of Comparative Migration Studies compares migration and resultant processes of socio-demographic and cultural diversification in the UK and Japan. Its contributors use a wide array of methods to examine different aspects of migration and integration from multiple disciplinary perspectives. The collection examines topical issues including attitudes toward migrants, racialisation processes, labour market challenges, law and policy frameworks, undocumented migration, transnational marriage, conviviality, international retirement migration, and refugee integration.
Read the Special IssueThe NODE project organises symposia, webinars, policy roundtables, fieldtrips, literature readings and masterclasses to share existing knowledge and develop new comparative ways of thinking about migration and diversity in the UK and Japan.
Discover all the EventsNODE publications are intended to aid the rapid distribution of work in progress, research findings and policy insights by NODE members. Our reports and briefs aim to stimulate discussion among scholars, policymakers and practitioners and address a range of topics through a multidisciplinary and comparative lens.
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